SUN Standard regeneration valve assemblies

Increase productivity and reduce cycle times, all without sacrificing control and precision.

Sun Regeneration valve assemblies are standard products that are easy to order using a single part number. 

Regenerative circuits divert the oil from the rod end of a cylinder back to the bore end, instead of channeling the fluid to tank, allowing for a faster speed and reduced force. Using a cylinder with a 2:1 area ratio between piston and rod provides equal extend and retract speeds.

Sun manufactures two types of regeneration valve assemblies

  • Full time regeneration assemblies use a pilot-to-close check valve and a standard check valve to provide continuous regeneration with reduced output force from the cylinder. It is commonly used for providing fast extension speeds with low force.
  • Pressure sensitive regeneration assemblies use a pilot-to-close check valve and a counterbalance valve to provide a regeneration function. The first part of the cylinder extension begins with regeneration, when there is very little load. When the load resistance increases, the pressure on the full-bore side starts to increase. As the bore-side pressure increases, pilot pressure will begin to open the counterbalance valve, connecting the rod side of the cylinder to tank, causing the regeneration function to cease. The cylinder will now extend with pressure acting on the full-bore area for increased force, but with reduced speed.

How to utilize these solutions

Both of Sun's full time and pressure sensitive regen solutions are available in Line Mount and Sandwich style assemblies with flows ranging from 10 GPM (40 L/min) up to 240 GPM (910L/min). Both types of Sun standard regen assemblies can also incorporate load locking.

Sun's regen solutions are ideal for compacting machines as well as presses and machine tool applications when speed and/or force control is required.

Get help with your next application

Need help selecting the right regen solution? View our product selection on our website or you can review regen calculations with our Product Solutions catalog.

If you cannot find one of our solutions that fit your need, you can design your own solution using SUN QuickDesign. QuickDesign is fast, free and easy to use. Register and take QuickDesign for a test drive.